Monday 25 September 2017

Steel Type Pokemon

Steel Type was introduced in generation 2 of Pokemon history (both in the games and TV series). One of the main mechanics in all the Pokemon games is to train your Pokemon and battle with other trainer's Pokemon. This means that players have to analyse which Pokemon are best for Offense and Defense.

Steel Types was not from the first generation of Pokemon but was later added to create a balance from previous types of the first generation. They are immune to Poison Types and have one of the highest defensive statistics compared to all other Pokemon types.

Steel Type Pokemon typically have moves that are physical in trait and can hold off many attack types due to their high defense. There are dual-types (Two different types of element on a single Pokemon) and the highest and most resistant combination is Electric/Steel Types. Because of their exceptional defensive capabilities - Steel type generally have below subpar Offensive stats.


Image Reference:

Author: Kuo Hao Tan (Elvin).

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