Monday 16 October 2017

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Pokemon Diamond & Pearl

Pokemon Diamond & Pearl are Nintendo games that were released on the '28/09/2016' in Japan, '22/04/2007' in North America, '21/05/2007' in Australia and '27/06/2007' in Europe. What makes these games special from the previous games are that they are the first core series of pokemon games to be released with 'generation IV' pokemon.

The 'pokedex' (an invaluable tool for trainers which is a digital encyclopedia) in the game includes a total feature of 151 pokemon. However, the strange thing about these games is that they do not include all the new pokemon in this generation.
The three starter pokemon once you start playing the games are:
  • Tutrwig (grass type pokemon)
  • Chimchar (fire type pokemon)
  • Piplup (water type pokemon) 

   However, the legendary pokemon that you can obtain in Pokemon Diamond is Diaglo (steel/dragon type pokemon) and in Pokemon eParl is Plakia (water/dragon type pokemon). Otherwise, other legendaries that are in the game can both be obtained.

Author: Taiga Takeda
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